Sunday, December 27, 2009

nothing much to write.

Well, it seems like i haven't update my blog for ages.Already in my home and kinda busy with those housechores(hahahaha),business,my little nashriq and telly programs(of course CSI and Supernatural).So i was sort of away from my lappie and my little sisters really took this chance to dominate my lappie so that they could play games and ect.And and and,talking about my allowance,argh!i had spent the whole amounts.Rm8.30 was the only ringgit and sen left in my Bank Islam's account,i guess.I really need to work on my financial and budget settings.i'll proceed later.bye.

my lil nash:P

they're mischievous!

fav tv programme!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

suatu petang bersama mereka.

Petang yang sangat mendamaikan.Bak kata Ainil,wind2 bertiup dengan sepoi2 bahasa.Lately cuaca sangat panas macam kalau pakai sunblock spf 30 + + + + pun uv masih boleh tembus ke dalam liang roma muka. Nasib baik petang tu cuaca terlampau berpihak pada kami.Berbekal kan payung hitam,sony ericson pink,digital camera yang tak berapa nak digital dan duit sebanyak rm 4.10 (semua kering sebab allowance tak masuk lagi aww) misi diteruskan dan berjaya dilaksanakan jugak.Macam tumbuhan2 dan pokok2-an menjadi victims kami.Pokok2 yang ada digunakan sehabis baek macam kalau pokok2 tu semua boleh cakap mesti dia akan cakap 'turun2 dari badan ak,sakit'.hahaha.mane tak nye semua badan berat2 macam kalau duduk lama2 boleh tumbang pokok2 tu.Mule2 kami berlima je tapi kebetulan pulak mrs.A bukan nama sebenar muncul so kami mintak la tolong dia menjayakan misi kami.

mission accomplished:

aksi panjat-memanjat dah bermula.climb til u drop!


aww!!semua pics syok sendiri:P

there goes gambar mereka:)

they're good actors.credits for them:)

Monday, December 14, 2009


My first law test is just around the corner.thnx god it was postponed to next week,at least I have time to work on it.I did read some but it was so hard for me to memorize all those facts and acts.Omg!what's wrong with my little brain!perhaps like wina said,in part 3 our momentum will be plunging drastically compare to part 1 and part 2.(ok fine,i'm not doing comparison like i did in bel332 or compare and contrast for EST).Oh come on ieqa,please don't blame on the momentum or whatsoever.lame reasons blablabla.just put the blame on yourself.Ok,i admit.I was so addicted and got hooked on myspace,youtube,facebook and last but not least..pirate bay.of course i used it to download horror movies.omg-i-love-horror-movies.i don't give a shit on what people gonna say about me but i just love it.Ok,just get straight to the point,maybe i should give a rest to my lappie.imagine la,i didn't shut it down since last week..When i went to classes,i just left my lappie in standby pathetic and 'it' must be so pissed off with me.Indeed i was overwhelmed with a feeling of homesickness.hahaha gotcha!maybe people around me unable to notice it at all but deepest in my heart,i confess that 'yes,i was homesick'.i just want to go home,spend my tyme with my little nashriq and of course with my big dean:P.I haven't buy the ticket yet because i don't think the tickets will be sold out but if in case(just in case cuz i strongly believe that tickets won't be sold out..cehcehceh sok ayt debate:P) i'll find other by this week i need to focus and study for my law test..:).full stop.

p/s:guys, you should watch grotesque:P

:P i will eat you.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tanjung dawai's day out.

some random pictures of us:




macam sok ANTM season 20:P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

kanak-kanak i'm yours.

citaku harapanmu.

Masa tadika dulu, bila cikgu tanya nak jadi apa besar nanti,masing-masing berebut-rebut angkat tangan nak jawab.Ade yang nak jadi doktor,polis,bomba,askar,peguam,cikgu,pekebun sayur dan macam2 lagi la.Macam i salah sorang yang sangat sibuk angkat tangan nak bagitau cikgu yang i nak jadi polis.Hahahaha..bila cikgu tanya kenapa nak jadi polis, mesti jawab kalau jadi polis boleh la tangkap orang jahat nanti mak ayah dengan kawan2 semua puji..(seronok dapat banggakan mak ayah)ecehcehceh..macam entah pape je kecik2 lagi dah tau nak berbakti untuk negara :P. Bila naik je sekolah rendah,masa sesi memperkenalkan diri,cikgu suruh bagitau cita-cita masing-masing, macam masa tu tiba-tiba je cita-cita dah tukar dari nak jadi polis terus nak jadi akauntan plak.Macam math darjah satu dan dua senang so rasa macam diri ko dah pandai math dan mampu menjadi seorang akauntan la nanti kan :P.Bile masuk je sekolah menengah pulak,sekali lagi cikgu suruh pekenalkan diri sekali dengan cita-cita.Macam masa tu cita-cita sekali lagi dah tukar dari akkauntan nak jadi angkasawan pulak..wtfmnjklopqrstv ko hengat ko sape nak jadi angkasawan?ko hengat ko da ckup hebat?Macam Dr sheikh muzzaffar dapat jadi pun lepas lulus macam2 saringan la kan.Mungkin masa tu terlampau banyak terpengaruh dengan cerita2 fiction dekat tv..iskisksisk. Lepas tu bila nak masuk je tingkatan 4 dan 5, semangat betul nak ambik subjek biology dengan harapan dapat jadi doktor dan peluang akan semakin tinggi untuk jadi angkasawan :P(gila hape).Hamek ko,bila da naik tingkatan 4 dengan 5, terpaksa la ko mengadap subjek add math yang macam b*** tu,terus dah tak sanggup nak teruskan cita-cita nak jadi orang angkasa tu(padan muka).Macam sekali lagi cita-cita terpaksa di tukar la kan, macam tiba2 rasa nak jadi peguam pula sebab tak perlu penat2 perah otak belajar sambungan add math nanti.Lagi-lagi bila terpengaruh dengan suami cikgu sejarah yang merupakan peguam masa tu yang suka sangat sibuk2 cerita pasal undang2 padahal masa tu bini dia punya kelas.Tambahan pulak,papa dengan mama bagi sokongan padu.Macam tak tau la whether cita2 ni mampu kekal lama atau tidak :P. Kan bes kalau lahir2 je ada screen besar y list kan semua jenis pekerjann dan klik je terus dapat jadi..:).

Monday, December 7, 2009

5th december 2009.

Happy belated birthdTday to my beloved sister>>dayana batriesya..hope to see you soon!you're already 10 years old seyh..supposedly da tak boleh main barbie doll lagi:P.

Trip to malacca.

Macam nak sangat update blog tapi disebabkan broadband and wireless yang dua-dua sangat laju macam anak siput babi pun lagi laju so terpaksa tunggu untuk beberapa hari.Last sunday i went on an excursion to malacca.Literally, a 'kenduri' excursion la kan.Macam sis poji kawen then dia ajak la ana, i and ikin sekali memeriahkan majlis.Since like i haven't been there for ages(ecehcehceh..macam padahal sem 2 baru je pergi)so i ikut jela.

belum ape2 lagi da stop at the first pit stop>>pelita mamak.

suke pic dekat baju poji..:P


macam curi2 masuk dalam tempat ni yang actually still under construction.

see..penang's bridge in small version.

macam actually semua photos ni dekat taman buaya but tiada seekor pun gambar buaya yang disnap cuz muka mereka busuk2 belaka.Tapi serious,mereka sangat gemuk2 mungkin terlebey makan.

macam tibe2 ikin exicted nak pergi pantai klebang tapi bila sampai hajat tak kesampaian sebab pantai dah kena tambak..(i look fat seyh).


Eye of Malacca.Dekat gondola's entrance.sempat lagi pose2..macam we all sangat excited bila dapat tau yang kalau ada student's card dapat less from rm20 jadi rm15 so masing2 excited keluarkan matrix kad masing2..:P(masa ni baru rasa paham kenapa uitm buatkan student's cars for each student).

inside the gondola.ikin buat muka yang sangat cuak.dia sangat takut:P.

Animal exhibition..

ana was sooo brave..i macam takut2 la tapi..i ambik bahagian ekor.Bagi ana kepala ular takut dia patuk:P.But badan ular tu sangat soft plus smoooth!

And last but not least..we went to jonker street..yeay!


macam actually tak beli pun topi ni..:P

pic ni controversy sedikit, tak banyak pun. poji's do..

odw to kenduri..

there goes the bridegroom!

hope dapat pergi trip lagi lepas ni..atleast dapat release tension!bye!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kura-kura biru..

And last but not least..:P

mmg excessive light..sumpah tak edit. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

sold out!

Effing off la kan..i was looking for the penal code and all sold out.Previously i was like "owh never mind, i'l get it later on,it is not that important,lecturer will not gonna use it yet"..bla bla bla..lame excuses. But during my class and most of my classmates were having it so i got to find one.Poor wina.hehehe..she had to share with me.So i asked wina to buy it yesterday at mph and mph was completely sold out of penal code.Then i went out to popular today craved for the penal code, and again >>sold out.So,i was like having this untangle thought in my mind.Perhaps recently, all law students(every part) in kedah need this book hahaha..bizarre.But finallly my bf became this so called my 'saviour' la because i called him on the spur of moment,asked him to buy me that book and out of the blue,he was at the popular in seremban and luckily penal code was still in stock so he bought me one.hahahaha..he's gonna send it  to me by post.hahaha..macham poyo semangat nak beli jauh2 siap pos2 tp lantakla pas ni xpayah pinjam2 orang punye and boleh conteng suka hati :P.